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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1462
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2023 .16 .6900
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 16،
number In Volume 3،
issue Number 85
Investigating the stylistic features of the Tusi's Ajaeb al-makhloghat and Gharaeb al-makhloghat with a reflection on the intellectual level
Vahide Soltaninia , Maryam Gholamrezabeigi (Author in Charge), Maryam Shaygan
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: It is possible to know the intellectual backgrounds of the writers of the past periods, especially the writers of the past, through studying how historical, geographical, social, economic, etc. issues are presented in their works. In this regard, the stylistic analysis of Mohammad Ibn Ahmad Toosi"s work can lead to the discovery of a part of his intellectual level as one of the great painters of the 6th century.
METHODOLOGY: Descriptive-analytical method has been used in this research. By studying the Ajaeb al-makhloghat and Gharaeb al-makhloghat, this research tries to examine the stylistic features and analysis of the intellectual level of the author in presenting various topics, and from this passage, to answer the question whether Tusi"s style in describing phenomena is affected by his intellectual level.
FINDINGS: Findings: Tusi, as one of the well-known wonder writers of the 6th century, has added to his writing credibility more than any other intellectual group in terms of presenting various topics and describing phenomena with authentic religious documents.
CONCLUSION: Conclusion: The analysis of the style of Tusi"s Ajaibname shows that the author"s language is often influenced by his religious thoughts. This work is a valuable source for getting to know the beliefs of the people of that period. Tusi tries to influence the beliefs of the people and maintain their intellectual connection with the prevailing thoughts of the time by introducing and explaining the strange and strange, with the validity of Quranic and scientific references. He has used a special descriptive style to deal more deeply with the topics.
, Mohammad Toosi
, intellectual level
, descriptive style
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